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The home – school partnership is the key to successfully helping every child reach their potential. In developing this relationship, we seek to be transparent about your child’s progress and areas for development. We rely on your support, home encouragement, and communication to ensure we know what makes your most precious possession tick. Schools are complex places and we must remind ourselves that every child comes from and goes home to a family that has its own cultural, spiritual, historical and unique dynamics.
Hillpark School is a member of “Our Education” Network. This is a worldwide network of schools committed to effectively creating a vision with their communities for meeting the needs of 21st century children. It involves teachers being involved in deep level research and self- review and ensuring their teaching approaches are flexible and effective to cater for our ever changing world.
As internationally acclaimed educational consultant Marc Prensky says, “These are not the same children we had around five years ago”. Technology and the global environment determine that our kids are resilient and lateral learners. This must always be addressed through a solid foundation of literacy and numeracy – this never changes.
To be able to teach at the school, teachers must fully accept and embody the vision of the time. It is a privilege to teach at Hillpark and we never compromise about who fronts your child’s class from year to year. We are committed to best professional practice and effective communication with parents. We ask that you respect the extensive demands on teachers by helping where you can and making appointments to discuss any issues pertaining to your children.
I didn’t come to serve at Hillpark by accident and our teachers, board and PTA didn’t either. While we enjoy an envious reputation of high standards and inclusion, we are about to embark on a series of developments that will take us to the next level.
We need to think of Hillpark as a family of learners. Our staff look forward to working with you to realise the aspirations you have for your children.
Aspire, Grow, Achieve Kia Mataara, Ka Tipu, Ka Taea
Gavin Beere